Tuesday, July 14, 2009

18 Months: Checkup and Photos

August's 18-month checkup was yesterday. He's in fine health, of course. I'll spare you the chart this time, but he's 95th percentile for length, 75th percentile for weight.

A few recent photos to make the post worth viewing!

August at the playground about a week ago. I can't tell if we're raising a jock (sneakers and sweat pants and lacrosse stick) or a preppy (Labrador shirt and lacrosse stick and in the Back Bay). I guess I'd prefer jock over preppy, but neither is preferable:

He still loves his swing, but he's been branching out a lot lately. It's surprisingly difficult to get an un-blurry iPhone picture (NOT the 3GS) of a kid on a swing:

Hard to believe that August has lived in this city without a car for 18 months and he only had his first ride on the T this past weekend:

Destination of the T ride was the Franklin Park Zoo. Here he is taking a graham cracker snack break:

Monday, July 6, 2009

18 Months: Photos

Some random photos from the rest of our recent trip.

Here's our favorite boy hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail. OK, so it was about a 50 foot section, but he's still hiked the A.T.!

While visiting 2nd cousins Sam and Luke in Maryland outside of DC, August demonstrated a surprising facility with a pair of drumsticks. This was entirely organic, he just found the drums, picked up the sticks and started bangin'!

Hanging at the zoo with our friend Suzanne:

With friend, Liam, checking out the only bear still on exhibit at the National Zoo:

18 Months: Cousins - Part 2

Here's August visiting with his cousin Alice in Virginia:

And with his great-uncle John, also in Virginia: