Monday, April 11, 2011

1 Year | 3 Years: Bath time

Seems like every family has a classic series of kids-in-bath photos. These were from tonight... fun bath-time!

1 Year: Happy Birthday!

Lela turns one today! She's come a lonnnggg way in 12 months. She's walking very well already, wants to talk, very alert. She is fascinated by her brother, whom she thinks is hilarious, by the way.

Yesterday we took her out to brunch in her new birthday dress, which Grandma sent earlier this week. Here she is, looking lovely... all dressed up!

At brunch:

After a very active day, both kids fell asleep in the stroller at the grocery store. August transferred from the stroller directly to bed and slept more than 12 hours, which is unheard of for him.

Happy birthday, Lela, we love you so much and are so proud of how you're growing up!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

11 Months | 3 Years: Walking and Catching

Here's Lela, not yet one year.

And here she is walking! And here's her wonderful brother watching out for her.