Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 Years | 4 Years: Potty Talk

August: Poop! Poooop!
Daddy: August, that's enough. No potty talk, please.
August: Pee! Peeeee!
Daddy: AUGUST! That's enough!
August: .... I was saying the vegetable, Daddy. Pea.
August: Pea! Peeeaa!
Lela: You're poo poo, Daddy. You're poo poo!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

2 Years | 4 Years: New Auntie

One of August & Lela's "new" aunties came to visit Boston last week.

August, Lela, Jax & Alex at the Make Way for Ducklings statue in the Boston Public Garden

The reading of Possum Magic, with proper accent.

August at the Fenway stadium store, just before unloading a pitch that nearly broke my camera/phone

Lela with ducks. Cute.

Alex with ducks. Lovely.