Today I began telling my work friends. One tactic I have for telling people our news - especially to guys who I know have kids of their own - is to say something like, "so Ted, what advice do you have for an expectant father-to-be?". And sometimes they take it as a literal request for advice. So far, advice we've received includes:
- Keep Mary off the Internet (which is really just a sub-item under "Don't panic")
- Sleep now
- Get ear-plugs
- Don't worry if you don't have an affinity for other people's babies (OPBs), you'll be completely 100% enraptured with your own
- But don't expect to bond right-away, you may have a prolonged period of resentment before the full love kicks in
- Don't be afraid to swaddle tightly, babies like it
- Don't expect a perfect pregnancy, having something "unusual" happen is the norm
- Have the name picked out before the delivery day arrives
But the best prospective-father advice I've gotten so far came today from a friend at work, and I like it because it shortens the list dramatically.
- Don't listen to anyone's advice
The one thing I think we'd be very wise to do would be to take a long trip somewhere fun, unusual and exciting. Unfortunately, I don't know if either of us will have time for that between now and December... and I still owe Mary a proper honeymoon.
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