Sunday, January 6, 2008

1 Week: New Music Selections

Santa brought me the soundtrack to "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" which contains a good deal of music I think will be excellent additions to my Kids' Music list. The whole album is good, but there are a few stand-outs, and two which I've added to the Hall of Fame.
Let me know if you can think of any must-haves for a playlist of kid-friendly "real" music (as opposed to purpose-built kids music like Raffi, etc.).


Ilima Loomis said...

I went classical -- Yo Yo Ma's Bach: THe Cello Suites was one of my favorites.

Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA said...

-Kenny Loggins: House at Pooh Corner
-Garden State Soundtrack
-The Gulf's "Shot Simon" or "Waking"
-anything by Zero 7 (though I'm a fan of "Home"
-Cat Stevens

slinberg said...

All the Leo Kottke you can find.

(I know someone who might be able to help with that)