Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 262 | 2 Years: Way WAY Back machine

Remember all that research I did on August's genetic background? Remember how we ran into a few dead ends? Well some information has surfaced that will surprise many.

August's genetic paternal great grandmother recently had her DNA analyzed. It indicated descent from (in addition to her generous share of Scandinavian/Western-European markers):
  • Jews
  • Nigerians
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Pacific Islanders
  • South Americans
This is a woman whom I have marked as down as 50% Danish and 50% German in my pie-chart-generating spreadsheet. And she definitely looks the part. Clearly these indicators, if real, must come from rather many generations ago, but it can't be that many, else they would likely have disappeared by now.

Interestingly, her grand-daughter (my biological first cousin) inherited none of these. I'm not sure how the math shakes out, because multiple markers may reside on the same chromosome, and it only takes one generation for a chromosome to be switched out for that of the other parent's. Odds are August has (and Baby Girl will) inherit few of these, if any, but it's still cool to think of it.

Just your average Swiss-German/Prussian British Scandinavian Eastern-European Jewish Nigerian Chinese Japanese Pacific-Islander South American kid.

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