Thursday, November 25, 2010

7 Months | 2.5 Years: Genealogy Update

Good news and bad news today, Thanksgiving 2010.

Bad news first:
After signing up for the same DNA sequencing site which led to the "discovery" that my maternal grandmother had Jewish and Nigerian and Chinese ancestry (described in this post), I'm now convinced that those exotic connections were actually just a misinterpretation of the way that site presents information. So, I'm sorry August & Lela, you're not as diverse as we had once hoped you were!

But there's also good news:
Through that genetics site and based on information I've found there, I've been connected with many distant relatives who are helping me piece together my own heritage—this time with the power of science behind it! I have intelligence today from a 4th cousin 1x removed who explains the actual heritage of the same maternal grandmother mentioned above (on her mother's side, at least, she's all Norwegian)... this goes back into the 18th century.

Setting the record straight. Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

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