Thursday, May 15, 2008

4 Months: Pie Charts

Update: Charts are superseded by the ones in this post.


OK, so if we make assumptions on heritage based on names and origins of surnames, that takes away much from our various "Unknown" segments, especially in Mary's chart. In my case there's still a big question mark because I don't even know the surname of my biological paternal grandmother (I think she's German... that would add another 12.5% to August's Germany pie-slice, 25% to mine).

So with that caveat (that I made some assumptions), here are me, Mary, and August (me + Mary).

Remember Augustino Balbani and his great great great great grandfather Turco? They account for just 0.012% of August's genetic heritage. Mary and I also spent several hours tracking down her Swiss connection (that's how we eventually found the Balbanis. All that Switzerland research gave us just 0.83% of August.

I'll probably follow-up soon with an even more simplified chart.

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