Thursday, December 31, 2009

2 Years: Birthday Party!

August turned 2 on the 29th and we had a special birthday party for him here at his grandparents' house.

With Grandpa and Auntie Chris - "fish cake" awaits:

The whole party culminated in a kitchen dance-party, with music by Duke Ellington (August's current favorite):

Earlier that day:

Not from the party, but a good photo of August with Grandpa:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

23 Months: Winter Fun

Winter fun for August, a few days before his second birthday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

23 Months: Déja Vu

Kids tend to really like to do the same stuff over and over again. Especially if they see video of themselves doing that thing. Check out this video, from tonight. Keep in mind that the footage from the previous post is from two nights ago.

23 Months: Backpack

The kid likes to travel. Day after we returned from our Hawaii trip, August started thinking about getting on a plane and taking his next trip.

"Hatta" means both helicopter and airplane. Hard to tell what he understood during our many previous trips, but this time around he definitely did understand that he was in an airplane — HIM! — up in the sky... one of those shiny things he watches from the window with such interest... a hatta!

Here he is preparing for another trip. Did this kind of thing all day for a couple of days after our return.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

23 Months: Post-Beach Progression

Here's what a vigorous beach outing can produce when followed by 30 minutes of driving:

23 Months | Day 162: It's a GIRL - Plus Hawaii Photos

So we're having a girl!! 90% certainty, according to the ultrasound doc.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from our Hawaii trip.

Getting to know cousin, with a nice story

Breakfast with L at Auntie Wiffle's place

Nani's house was very well equipped. Here's our guy at the bottom of the slide

Using the swing under the koa tree

On the trampoline with L

Checking out the touch-pool at the Maui Ocean Center aquarium with Nani, L, and Dad.

Giant tank of fish, including 3 species of shark. Wow!

Faulkners in Manini Ranch T-shirts.

Entire Thanksgiving gang in Manini Ranch T-shirts: August, Mary, Waldron, Paula, Jim, Lauren, Valerie, Peter, Ilima/Wiffle, L, Pete. Also: Dusty, Kane, and Parker

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

23 Months | Day 160: It's a...

Today we find out (hopefully) whether we're having a boy or a girl this next time around. Things are going to be different on the blog than they were last time, but I think we'll at least share the gender of the new baby. Maybe!

Meanwhile, August continues to be a rock star traveler. His latest accomplishment: 18 hours of travel from Boston to Hawaii in 3 legs prior to Thanksgiving, then 15 hours in two legs, overnight, on the return trip. So good-natured! What a great kid! Those of you who know me will not be surprised to learn that I've been keeping track of August's travel data. At only 23 months he has now been in 14 airports and stayed in 12 different hotels.

Pictures to follow

Sunday, November 1, 2009

22 Months | Day 121: Halloween Report

August's second Halloween was a lot of fun!

His generic, blue superhero outfit has already debuted on this blog, but here are more photos anyway:

We did a jack-o-lantern, with real candles. Mary's design. It did not last 'til morning. Even as a kid I never understood the glee of destruction, and I have to say I was a bit sad to see that it had become the target of hell-raising activity. We put some work into it, and it was August's first pumpkin.

The next neighborhood over from ours is Beacon Hill. Mary and I lived there when we first moved to Boston. The residents there take full advantage of their picturesque 19th century buildings to create a safe, welcoming trick-or-treating destination for the area's youth, and they really do it up well! We always wander through to look at the spectacle (even before we had August), and we did so again last night.

We were wandering around when I decided I would quite like a bit of candy. It crossed my mind that the only way I was going to get any candy was to have August - probably too young for the task - do the trick-or-treating on my behalf.

I'm only a little ashamed to admit that this was the motivation behind August's very first trick-or-treat episode.

We approached one of the quieter door-fronts, me holding August. I had coached him on saying "trick or treat", but the best we could hope for was just "treat". Even with coaching, he wouldn't say it... he was shy! Presented with a bowl of goodies, I hoped he would choose the Kit Kat bar, for that was what I craved! But he didn't understand that he was being offered something to take. The residents were of course very charmed by August, and very patient. It probably took him close to a minute before I finally snagged a Kit Kat on August's behalf, and left after a few attempts to get August to say "thank you" (unsuccessful).

Having nabbed the candy, August and I repaired to a dark, Beacon Hill stoop, to have privacy to immediately enjoy our hard-won prize. August is not at all familiar with candy, so he got just two little morsels. His selfish Dad gobbled the rest. But what little he did get was much enjoyed, and I was presented with both the word and sign for "more!" (exclamation point was evident in his signing).

So we did it again. Again, August needed help actually grabbing the goods. But once he had it, he went straight for the nearest stoop where he expected a repeat performance - instant gratification. He got it!

He was enjoying this novel activity, but after two treats, Mary and I got worried that he might make himself a little sick if he kept eating candy. But the third house had bags of pretzels as an option, so once more we immediately sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labor!

By now August was getting more confident grabbing the candy. Still not great at saying "thank you", but he's little enough and cute enough to get away with it, especially if Dad appears to be nudging hard enough! Now that we weren't immediately eating candy, August decided he at least wanted to hold and play with the candy he was receiving. That lasted a few houses, but before long, he was handing-over the candy to Mommy for safekeeping, and focused entirely on the very American past-time of acquisition for its own sake.

By the last house of the evening, he was approaching on his own, in his little cape, and mutting "treat" ("cheech!"), not quite loud enough for residents to hear him, but I was proud of his progress. He was taking candy (not grabbing!) and, if not saying "thank you", then at least bestowing a delighted and delightful grin on his hosts!

In the space of 30 minutes he went from not understanding why he wanted the candy, to enjoying the candy itself, to fetishing the candy won, to the pursuit of the candy for its own sake. Not sure how I feel about that. Never want to read more into a thing than one should, but I wonder if he didn't mature out of a little innocence last night. I was proud of him for growing in confidence and understanding during the course of the evening, but a little sad, also, at his having seemed to change so much right before my eyes.

We didn't even set out to do any trick-or-treating. Really interesting evening!

(Our place)

Mary has a different take on August's progression through the evening. She thinks his motivation wasn't the pure acquisition of candy goods, but rather the social interaction of the trick-or-treat event... seeing the people and being seen by them... having a chance to make a choice and reach into a bowl, etc. I don't disagree with Mary's analysis, I'm sure she's right. But it doesn't make as interesting a blog post that way!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

22 Months | Day 108: Unreasonably Cute

He stands alone, keeping watch over a city on the brink of turmoil. He patrols the neighborhood, keeping the peace where even the police dare not go.

Fear not, good citizens of Boston, for you are protected by the just, the powerful, the amazing August Man.

And after a long day fighting crime on the mean streets of the Back Bay... return home, of course.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

21 Months | Day 90: Why Mary Rocks

More on that "resistant phase" I mentioned before: he now hates to wear his bib. But he prefers really messy food. It's not feasible for him to need a wardrobe change after every meal. Rather than argue with the child, or force him, Mary has a more creative solution. Bibs for all.

I knew very soon after I met Mary that she'd be an amazing parent, and here's the proof. She's so creative. She reminds me all the time that goal is to raise a thoughtful, intelligent, happy person—not just the most obedient kid in the room. But we still need him to do things like wear bibs and allow us to change his diaper. She finds creative ways to do those things without simply insisting or forcing. She's the best.

21 Months | Day 90: Differences

They say that every pregnancy is different. This has been the case for us in so many ways, both physically and psychologically. Of course, every kid is also different, and we look at this fact with some trepidation because we've been so happy with August... so far!

First time around, Mary never felt better. Ate all the same stuff she always had, felt physically good nearly every day. This time, she's felt a little unwell (sometimes more than a little) nearly every day. No cravings last time, this time... well let's just say we had to try more than once before we found the 'right' Parmesan cheese for today's lunch.

Old wives' wisdom says that differences in feeling well/poorly from one pregnancy to the next indicates a difference in gender from one to the next. This has held true for my sister Sara, but I haven't checked any other data sources.

I'd be very happy with a girl this time 'round. Although I can easily see a boy, too. With August I was really hoping for a boy... more than I'd have admitted at the time. This time my preference is much milder and I'm quite happy with that difference.

So many differences, but there are still more—having to do with this blog.

One difference from last time: we won't be publishing the details of our internal naming debate on this blog. The generalities, however, are fair game! So far we have very few candidates, for each gender, and speaking for myself, none that I'm just wild about. If it's a boy it could get difficult!

Now let's focus on August.

Remember that sweet, agreeable baby we've been showing you in photos and videos? One area where he's turning out to be ahead of the developmental curve: the advent of the "terrible two's". Over the past week or so we've seen a real transition. Doesn't want to cooperate with anything; nap time, meal time, bed time, riding in the stroller, changing diaper. He's resistant to almost everything we want to do. Brushing teeth. You name it. Could be a bad week, could be we're moving into a "phase of resistance" (I think that's what the Montessori people call it).

He's still cute as ever, though! Evidence below:

This "boika boika boika" noise has been a favorite for months. He's lately gotten away from it, in favor of more real words, so when he started doing it the other day I thought I'd better grab the video to document it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

20 Months: August with Kitty

Video of August playing with his stuffed kitty cat, or "tee tee", as he pronounces it.

[Sound effects suggested by Mary]

Friday, September 18, 2009

20 Months: AF rocks! So does his mom!

Graffiti in sidewalk chalk at our neighborhood playground.

What hooligan might have scrawled this??

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

20 Months: De Cordova

At the sculpture museum/park yesterday... taking a break on an interesting bench.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

20 Months: Walking the Dog

Walking Watson, this afternoon, on Commonwealth Ave. Mall:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

20 Months: Teepee

Sorry for the recent waning of activity to this blog, but I've been super busy with my latest project.

August and Mary are in Idaho visiting the Boppas (Boppa is Augusts word for either of Mary's parents). Was sent this photo which Mary snapped on her phone, of August hanging out in a teepee.

He's such a happy kid all the time. Look at him! (click it for full size)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

19 Months: New Information

After a rather unlikely and extremely lucky series of events, I'm now able to fill-in, for August's genealogical heritage, that (previously) (Unknown) segment from my father's mother. For me it makes me more German than ever, and now also a healthy measure of Danish. For august it bumps his Germany portion by a bit more than 6%, and introduces a Danish portion of the same size.

The new charts (for August) look like this. Specific:

And more generalized:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

18 Months: Checkup and Photos

August's 18-month checkup was yesterday. He's in fine health, of course. I'll spare you the chart this time, but he's 95th percentile for length, 75th percentile for weight.

A few recent photos to make the post worth viewing!

August at the playground about a week ago. I can't tell if we're raising a jock (sneakers and sweat pants and lacrosse stick) or a preppy (Labrador shirt and lacrosse stick and in the Back Bay). I guess I'd prefer jock over preppy, but neither is preferable:

He still loves his swing, but he's been branching out a lot lately. It's surprisingly difficult to get an un-blurry iPhone picture (NOT the 3GS) of a kid on a swing:

Hard to believe that August has lived in this city without a car for 18 months and he only had his first ride on the T this past weekend:

Destination of the T ride was the Franklin Park Zoo. Here he is taking a graham cracker snack break:

Monday, July 6, 2009

18 Months: Photos

Some random photos from the rest of our recent trip.

Here's our favorite boy hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail. OK, so it was about a 50 foot section, but he's still hiked the A.T.!

While visiting 2nd cousins Sam and Luke in Maryland outside of DC, August demonstrated a surprising facility with a pair of drumsticks. This was entirely organic, he just found the drums, picked up the sticks and started bangin'!

Hanging at the zoo with our friend Suzanne:

With friend, Liam, checking out the only bear still on exhibit at the National Zoo:

18 Months: Cousins - Part 2

Here's August visiting with his cousin Alice in Virginia:

And with his great-uncle John, also in Virginia:

Saturday, June 27, 2009

17 Months: Cousins

Pictures of August with his cousin, Win (1 year old), in North Carolina; dressed for a swim at the beach:

Win with his Mommy:

And one of just August: