Saturday, April 18, 2009

15 Months: More Dog Walk

The little photo of August holding the leash was so popular, I decided to share some video I shot that same day. Here we all are, going for a morning walk about a month ago:

15 Months: Picnic

Here are a couple of photos - courtesy of "Aunt Candice":

En route to the Public Garden, August pauses to check email on Mom's iPhone. He totally txted me.

Here are mother and child picnicking in the Public Garden.

Thanks Candice!

Monday, April 13, 2009

15 Months: Checkup

Update to my usual weight & length chart, for the 2-3 people out there, other than us, who might actually care.

Weight: 50th to 75th percentile for age
Length: 90th to 95th percentile for age
Cute: are you kidding? Of course... check him out from a month ago:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

15 Months: Charm Baby

This kid is awfully charming. Evidence: here's a photo and some footage of the baby trying on Dad's hat.