Saturday, March 21, 2009

14 Months: Party

I've been interested to see how August has developed a community of friends from the various different activities he attends with Mary each week. One of his friends had her first birthday party today; a lovely affair at the Copley Westin, complete with cake & party favors. The birthday girl's parents opted not to invite their friends & family, but instead to invite her friends, one of whom is August (from the French Montessori class as well as the fabled Wednesday Play Group). Here is August with a couple of his other friends from the same circle. He hangs out with both of these boys at least once a week, both in organized groups and in ad-hoc play-dates.

[That's August on the left]

Fifteen babies were there and Mary probably knew 10 by name. Nearly every baby brought both his/her parents along. What a good idea for the birthday girl's parents to do this. Boston is a small town... who knows how long some of these kids will be tracking together through their school years. It was a good idea to start getting to know some of their daughter's friends' parents.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

14 Months: Criticism

August watches with interest whenever video of himself or the dog is playing on the computer. He watched (and even tried to help edit) as I put together the video for the last blog post.

This evening, not too long ago, Mary happened to notice that my video camera had somehow made its way from the living room into the garbage can in the kitchen. That's a pretty clear piece of criticism. Ouch.

14 Months: Child and Labrador

I heard once (maybe through Mary?) that "every boy needs a dog... and vice versa". Watson may be the best kids' dog I've ever seen. But for Watson, August has been a mixed blessing. See for yourself:

It is a two way street, though. In exchange for Watson's tolerance and patience August puts up with hard-waggin' tail in the face, accidental knock-overs, and the constant threat of snack-theft. It's a strong bond they're building.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

14 Months: Walkin'

He's made a lot of progress, our little bear.

14 Months: Science Museum

Here's child and mother, at the Science Museum last weekend. 60 seconds' worth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

14 Months: Relaxin'

Child. Relaxing this morning with a nice beverage.