Saturday, March 21, 2009

14 Months: Party

I've been interested to see how August has developed a community of friends from the various different activities he attends with Mary each week. One of his friends had her first birthday party today; a lovely affair at the Copley Westin, complete with cake & party favors. The birthday girl's parents opted not to invite their friends & family, but instead to invite her friends, one of whom is August (from the French Montessori class as well as the fabled Wednesday Play Group). Here is August with a couple of his other friends from the same circle. He hangs out with both of these boys at least once a week, both in organized groups and in ad-hoc play-dates.

[That's August on the left]

Fifteen babies were there and Mary probably knew 10 by name. Nearly every baby brought both his/her parents along. What a good idea for the birthday girl's parents to do this. Boston is a small town... who knows how long some of these kids will be tracking together through their school years. It was a good idea to start getting to know some of their daughter's friends' parents.

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