More on that "resistant phase" I mentioned before: he now hates to wear his bib. But he prefers really messy food. It's not feasible for him to need a wardrobe change after every meal. Rather than argue with the child, or force him, Mary has a more creative solution. Bibs for all.
I knew very soon after I met Mary that she'd be an amazing parent, and here's the proof. She's so creative. She reminds me all the time that goal is to raise a thoughtful, intelligent, happy person—not just the most obedient kid in the room. But we still need him to do things like wear bibs and allow us to change his diaper. She finds creative ways to do those things without simply insisting or forcing. She's the best.
They say that every pregnancy is different. This has been the case for us in so many ways, both physically and psychologically. Of course, every kid is also different, and we look at this fact with some trepidation because we've been so happy with August... so far!
First time around, Mary never felt better. Ate all the same stuff she always had, felt physically good nearly every day. This time, she's felt a little unwell (sometimes more than a little) nearly every day. No cravings last time, this time... well let's just say we had to try more than once before we found the 'right' Parmesan cheese for today's lunch.
Old wives' wisdom says that differences in feeling well/poorly from one pregnancy to the next indicates a difference in gender from one to the next. This has held true for my sister Sara, but I haven't checked any other data sources.
I'd be very happy with a girl this time 'round. Although I can easily see a boy, too. With August I was really hoping for a boy... more than I'd have admitted at the time. This time my preference is much milder and I'm quite happy with that difference.
So many differences, but there are still more—having to do with this blog.
One difference from last time: we won't be publishing the details of our internal naming debate on this blog. The generalities, however, are fair game! So far we have very few candidates, for each gender, and speaking for myself, none that I'm just wild about. If it's a boy it could get difficult!
Now let's focus on August.
Remember that sweet, agreeable baby we've been showing you in photos and videos? One area where he's turning out to be ahead of the developmental curve: the advent of the "terrible two's". Over the past week or so we've seen a real transition. Doesn't want to cooperate with anything; nap time, meal time, bed time, riding in the stroller, changing diaper. He's resistant to almost everything we want to do. Brushing teeth. You name it. Could be a bad week, could be we're moving into a "phase of resistance" (I think that's what the Montessori people call it).
He's still cute as ever, though! Evidence below:
This "boika boika boika" noise has been a favorite for months. He's lately gotten away from it, in favor of more real words, so when he started doing it the other day I thought I'd better grab the video to document it!