Two photos of August's heritage.
The first was discovered while browsing for name ideas in "Watson Family Notes" - a family memoir written by August's great grandfather, Robert C. Watson. This was one of the houses in Washington, DC that was built by
his father James (August's great great grandfather), probably somewhere between 1900 and 1910:

A quick trip to Google Maps and Street View shows the house still standing, no noticeable exterior renovations:

16th St. & Park Rd, NW, Washington DC. The Mt. Pleasant neighborhood, in which "the residents, particularly the young, could live happily" - according to Grandpa Watson. When I was a boy growing up in the DC area, and probably well into the 90's, the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood was a bit iffy. Looking at this photo it looks as if it's doing quite well. More power to Mt. Pleasant of yesterday and today.