Believe it or not, Mary has never spent a night away from her baby/ies. Until now.
So it's two good full days and one night with Daddy only; first time ever. So far we're mostly through day-one, absolutely no problems. Lela has grown up quite a bit in the past few months, and I don't think she's as desperately attached to Mommy as she once was. It wasn't too long ago that Mary couldn't go have dinner with a few friends without exposing me to a brutal, sustained 20, or 30, or 45 minute screaming session, complete with vomit. None of that today, and we're nearly at 12 hours!
Tonight will be the real test. She doesn't really fall asleep without Mommy, especially in the middle of the night when/if she wakes up. So... I've had a relatively easy go of it with Lela 'til now!
I don't know, though... perhaps Mommy wouldn't have allowed Lela to drive the self-propelled kiddy cars around the playground this afternoon:
I'm sure it was fine, they only have a top speed of like 10-15 MPH.
August is cuter than ever. He thinks he can add a 'y' to anything, to create a new word describing his wants/needs. So, just as he'd be hungry when he wants food, and thirsty when he wants drink, he might now be basebally when he wants to play baseball.
"I'm very watchy" if he wants to watch TV. Or "iPaddy". Today I got "I'm not very walky, I'm very pick-uppy".