Monday, August 6, 2007

Day 128: Cowboy Names Revisited

One of the reasons I like the name Emmett, and the reason it's getting any play at all with Mary, is that it's a way for us give the kid a cowboy name that actually works with the surname Faulkner - a feat we had previously thought to be impossible. Emmett Faulkner does work. And you have to admit, it has a certain cowboy flavor to it. We sort of like cowboy names.

Robert Clement Watson is one of my favorite family figures, and well worth honoring. Mary has vetoed Robert as being too common, but we both sort of like the idea of the name Clement Watson Faulkner. So the question is this: is it possible for a boy/man to have the formal first name Clement without eventually being nicknamed Clem? Because where Emmett is a cowboy name that might work, Clem is certainly not. Clem Faulkner? No. And no thanks, even if it did work with Faulkner.

But Mary doesn't worry about it. We're both such active nicknamers, she reasons, that the odds of our not inventing some other permanent nickname for him, through the course of natural events, are virtually nil. Thus, the nickname Clem would be unlikely ever to get started and we need not worry about it.

So, friends, here is the question to you: is it possible to raise a Clement Watson Faulkner without simultaneously raising a "Clem"? Please do comment!


Kris said...

Hm. Clement? Unusual for sure, but Clem?

Since Steve mentioned you guys have been thinking of names, these have been stuck in my head:


But, with the exception of Eli, maybe, they really aren't cowboy names.

Waldron Faulkner said...

Well, Eli is a nickname I've thought of using if we went with Eliot.

Just to clarify, I'm trying not to end up with Clem, and wondering if that's possible if you start with Clement.

Kris said...

Ah. nickname !=clem. I think you're out of luck; Clem is the only nickname I can think of. Unless you went with something unrelated, such as Spud, or Mac, Spike, &c.

laurie said...

Clem is unavoidable. I heart Emmet.

Unknown said...

I don't know cousin waldron - I think your compromise is excellent. You'll avoid clem if you want to . . . after all, you can always call him bull!

sara pettit