Friday, December 3, 2010

2.5 Years: More Typing

August won't be three for another month, so we think this is pretty impressive! Just for the record, typing is a part of the pre-bedtime routine that he thought up and he actively requests. This is not us pushing him.... not that we haven't taken advantage of his interest, though!

It's more than 4 minutes, so you don't have to sit through the whole thing to get the idea.

Mary points out that we really don't know if this is unusual. All I know is that I remember being excited on the first day of first grade because we were finally going to learn this mystery of reading and writing. I thought it was about time! August is less than half that age right now. What were people thinking back then!?

1 comment:

Sybil said...

I think this is super impressive--great work guys!