Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 30: Research

The only person who knows Mary is pregnant is a friend of ours who lives nearby, has delivered two children at Mass General, and was in a position to give us a great recommendation on an obstetrician. The last thing she told me during our phone call was "keep Mary off the Internet".

Mary has not been kept off the Internet. She tells me that 97% of babies are delivered free of birth defects. That seems to me like a very low number. 3% is a lot of babies.

She has also researched some of the physical realities of the delivery process, and has announced that, given the option, she might well prefer a C-section than to actually going through "the experience" of natural childbirth. I say that if she carries my baby for 9 months I'm in no position to to demand she put her body through one or the other type of trauma.

Can one elect for a C-section? Did I read somewhere that planned C-sections are in fashion in Hollywood?

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