Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 108: Paranoia

Gender-day is in three days. For the past couple of weeks Mary and I have been very excited by the approaching ultra-sound episode because we're both very excited to learn what we're gettin'.

Then today a coworker friend of mine had to fly home to be with his family because his sister had complications related to the birth of her child a couple of days ago. Not sure what that means, but complications are never good. And today, at lunch, another coworker friend of mine told me about his wife's work. She's a geneticist working at Children's Hospital, where she deals with families who are learning to deal with their children's genetic disorders. "We all have genetic disorders, it's just a question of how they manifest themselves".

All of a sudden I remembered that this ultra-sound episode isn't about us learning the gender of the child. This is all risk assessment. If they're going to discover something "wrong" it'll be on Friday, and now I'm completely paranoid about it. It was the first real example I've had of the truth that I'm now facing: I will now - and forever - have far more to worry about than I ever have before.

The kid better at least like me!

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