Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5 Months: Telemetry

For a few weeks now we've been using this very cool little site, TrixieTracker.com, to keep track of August's activity... feeding, sleeping, etc. Now you too can enjoy the intoxicating thrill of tracking a baby's everyday activity—our baby's—by visiting the guest page we've setup. Or you might prefer to view a whole history of info.

I'm hiding everything but the sleep stats. For the record, he doesn't really sleep for eight and nine hours straight, through the night. In reality Mary's working hard several times a night to coax him back to sleep as only a mother can. She's just not really focused on surfing the web to keep the stats minutely accurate.

Also for the record, I had the idea for this very site (as probably every geek/new-dad has), shortly after August's birth. And I think they've done a great job building this property.

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