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August turned six months old at exactly 3:23 AM, this morning. He was awake at the time, celebrating the milestone by continuing an ongoing griping/whining/grumping session which started around 2:00, and kept one or both of his parents awake for the balance of the night.
We haven't had an evening this "busy" in months. He was clearly not feeling 100%, poor guy.
But August makes sure, almost by instinct, that there are material compensations to balance these difficulties... not least of which is the fact that he's so damn cute (witness photo, above). But today, after the toughest night in many weeks, he made sure the compensations were manifest. Mary was holding him close to her, and he kept putting his face up next to hers. I thought maybe he was trying to give her a little kiss, so I gave him a little kiss on the cheek, by way of example. Sure enough, he put is little mouth right up against Mary's cheek and gave her a genuine kiss, complete with kissing sound. This was clearly an intentional action on his part. You can imagine the effect this had on Mary! All the trials of his long, long night evaporated immediately!
So happy halfiversary to August, however grumpy he may be today, with great appreciation for the gift he bestowed on us today.
Here are photos from our afternoon lunch of delicious rice cereal. Not grumpy at all!

he's getting so big! I just looked at photos of him from his first day on this planet, and to look at him 6 months later, you can really see the development! and that first photo (above) is absolutely adorable!
he is so SO adorable.
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